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Division ibex_22 - Game: 2025-03-02 #6465 Pairs MEDITERRANEO PDF converter         PDF converter

Rank Player Player1 Score MP2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
 1st   Madriles   Mcsador 62.02 1.40 46.2 76.9 69.2 100 92.3 26.9 50 96.2 26.9 53.8 88.5 61.5 53.8 73.1 53.8 96.2 7.7 0 96.2 69.2 84.6 7.7 69.2 88.5
 2nd   Aurorisrub   Tolito1 60.74 0.98 15.4 30.8 69.2 57.7 100 26.9 92.3 96.2 50 88.5 88.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 73.1 61.5 61.5 30.8 57.7 42.3 26.9 80.8 92.3 30.8
 3rd   Divax   Salome3 59.13 1.40 53.8 96.2 30.8 42.3 0 73.1 100 57.7 50 100 100 38.5 46.2 26.9 46.2 100 73.1 88.5 76.9 30.8 15.4 34.6 69.2 69.2
 4th   Carmela135   Masarik 57.53 0.70 88.5 57.7 30.8 92.3 53.8 96.2 73.1 42.3 76.9 53.8 73.1 0 23.1 92.3 73.1 26.9 92.3 11.5 38.5 42.3 26.9 80.8 57.7 76.9
 5th   Baruj2   Olgami 57.53 0.98 92.3 42.3 100 7.7 46.2 3.8 84.6 57.7 3.8 88.5 92.3 80.8 11.5 88.5 80.8 38.5 73.1 53.8 42.3 57.7 73.1 65.4 96.2 0
 6th   0czaszka   Ray Clarke 56.25 0.70 11.5 42.3 69.2 92.3 46.2 30.8 84.6 57.7 92.3 11.5 84.6 38.5 76.9 53.8 92.3 38.5 38.5 69.2 3.8 100 73.1 65.4 7.7 69.2
 7th   2wisky   Advanced Robot 55.45 0.49 88.5 30.8 69.2 57.7 53.8 69.2 92.3 84.6 76.9 26.9 50 19.2 23.1 53.8 42.3 96.2 80.8 23.1 23.1 69.2 84.6 53.8 30.8 30.8
 8th   Asuperaba   Inesromeo 54.49 0.28 88.5 57.7 69.2 57.7 53.8 26.9 38.5 42.3 76.9 11.5 100 92.3 88.5 73.1 73.1 61.5 26.9 73.1 3.8 69.2 26.9 7.7 57.7 30.8
 9th   Covad   Oyambre2 54.33 0.49 11.5 69.2 30.8 84.6 46.2 73.1 61.5 57.7 23.1 73.1 76.9 80.8 76.9 7.7 26.9 38.5 38.5 26.9 61.5 80.8 100 65.4 23.1 69.2
 10th   Advanced Robot   Burguiva 52.88 0.23 46.2 3.8 69.2 57.7 53.8 26.9 30.8 42.3 15.4 88.5 73.1 92.3 23.1 46.2 7.7 61.5 26.9 46.2 38.5 100 57.7 100 92.3 69.2
 11th   Jordimd9   Maituca1 52.56   46.2 30.8 15.4 7.7 53.8 69.2 15.4 42.3 96.2 53.8 50 61.5 88.5 92.3 42.3 61.5 61.5 73.1 57.7 88.5 84.6 34.6 3.8 30.8
 12th   Juno 24   Popochera 52.08 0.28 100 84.6 84.6 0 7.7 73.1 84.6 57.7 3.8 73.1 50 80.8 76.9 7.7 80.8 38.5 73.1 26.9 30.8 57.7 73.1 19.2 42.3 23.1
 13th   Dijous   Nuvol 50.96   46.2 96.2 69.2 57.7 11.5 26.9 15.4 42.3 96.2 88.5 50 92.3 23.1 38.5 73.1 0 26.9 11.5 84.6 19.2 100 92.3 30.8 30.8
 14th   Advanced Robot   Anuska65 50.8   46.2 84.6 69.2 57.7 11.5 96.2 0 42.3 50 38.5 50 38.5 69.2 23.1 96.2 11.5 100 73.1 96.2 0 26.9 34.6 3.8 100
 15th   Advanced Robot   Barna58 50.48 0.23 53.8 15.4 30.8 76.9 46.2 73.1 50 3.8 73.1 11.5 50 7.7 76.9 46.2 57.7 38.5 100 26.9 96.2 30.8 73.1 92.3 69.2 11.5
 16th   Elichok   Marcla20 49.84   53.8 3.8 84.6 42.3 46.2 73.1 7.7 3.8 50 61.5 50 61.5 11.5 100 69.2 3.8 92.3 100 15.4 80.8 0 46.2 69.2 69.2
 17th   Ejaulent   Mserra1 47.6   46.2 57.7 69.2 15.4 53.8 26.9 92.3 3.8 26.9 69.2 30.8 19.2 23.1 92.3 19.2 61.5 0 73.1 76.9 88.5 69.2 65.4 30.8 30.8
 18th   Lelental92   Wzl10 47.44   53.8 23.1 30.8 42.3 88.5 73.1 7.7 15.4 23.1 30.8 69.2 80.8 11.5 26.9 26.9 38.5 73.1 0 61.5 57.7 73.1 65.4 96.2 69.2
 19th   Anadm   Shooner 47.12   53.8 42.3 30.8 42.3 46.2 73.1 50 23.1 100 46.2 26.9 100 11.5 7.7 57.7 38.5 53.8 26.9 96.2 92.3 73.1 0 7.7 30.8
 20th   Advanced Robot   Puridiaz 46.96   53.8 69.2 84.6 100 46.2 15.4 26.9 96.2 50 11.5 26.9 7.7 38.5 38.5 26.9 88.5 0 26.9 84.6 57.7 42.3 92.3 30.8 11.5
 21st   Ana82   Teremu 46.15   11.5 42.3 30.8 42.3 46.2 73.1 26.9 57.7 23.1 46.2 50 38.5 76.9 69.2 100 73.1 38.5 61.5 61.5 0 42.3 19.2 7.7 69.2
 22nd   Advanced Robot   Juajua1 45.67   84.6 69.2 30.8 42.3 88.5 3.8 38.5 57.7 50 46.2 11.5 38.5 76.9 61.5 26.9 3.8 19.2 76.9 23.1 11.5 30.8 92.3 42.3 69.2
 23rd   Advanced Robot   Loreto5555 44.23   53.8 3.8 30.8 42.3 46.2 30.8 7.7 96.2 73.1 88.5 0 7.7 76.9 88.5 3.8 73.1 7.7 88.5 42.3 11.5 15.4 34.6 69.2 69.2
 24th   Advanced Robot   Bearish 42.79   11.5 96.2 30.8 42.3 100 30.8 69.2 57.7 84.6 11.5 11.5 38.5 30.8 76.9 3.8 88.5 19.2 26.9 3.8 30.8 15.4 7.7 69.2 69.2
 25th   Maychon   Ramoal 41.83   46.2 96.2 15.4 57.7 0 69.2 73.1 3.8 50 88.5 15.4 61.5 88.5 11.5 19.2 26.9 61.5 38.5 3.8 7.7 26.9 34.6 76.9 30.8
 26th   Lychi55   Parraguesa 41.03   7.7 57.7 0 57.7 53.8 26.9 50 76.9 0 26.9 23.1 19.2 23.1 11.5 96.2 61.5 26.9 100 69.2 42.3 26.9 7.7 30.8 88.5
 27th   Fernanadez   Tg48 37.82   0 15.4 15.4 23.1 53.8 26.9 61.5 42.3 50 0 0 61.5 88.5 0 30.8 11.5 80.8 73.1 15.4 42.3 57.7 34.6 92.3 30.8
 28th   Advanced Robot   Marcan11 34.29   88.5 3.8 69.2 0 53.8 84.6 15.4 42.3 7.7 11.5 7.7 19.2 23.1 30.8 0 61.5 46.2 73.1 38.5 19.2 0 65.4 30.8 30.8

class=host-ibex_22-type-pairs-http://webutil.bridgebase.com/v2/tview.php?t=6465-1740931555 uploaded in 1 secs Uploaded on 2025-03-02 20:00:59 - CardsFile= - RankFile=#6465 Pairs MEDITERRANEO - BWSFile=tourney=6465-1740931555-&offset=0

PairRecaps ( Pairs )ABCScore % mps
madriles - mcsador            62.021.40
aurorisrub - Tolito1            60.740.98
divax - salome3            59.131.40
carmela135 - masarik            57.530.70
baruj2 - OLGAMI            57.530.98
0czaszka - Ray Clarke            56.250.70
2wisky - Advanced Robot            55.450.49
asuperaba - inesromeo            54.490.28
Covad - oyambre2            54.330.49
Advanced Robot - burguiva            52.880.23
jordimd9 - maituca1            52.56
juno 24 - popochera            52.080.28
dijous - nuvol            50.96
Advanced Robot - Anuska65            50.8
Advanced Robot - barna58            50.480.23
elichok - Marcla20            49.84
ejaulent - mserra1            47.6
lelental92 - wzl10            47.44
ANADM - Shooner            47.12
Advanced Robot - puridiaz            46.96
Ana82 - teremu            46.15
Advanced Robot - juajua1            45.67
Advanced Robot - LORETO5555            44.23
Advanced Robot - Bearish            42.79
maychon - ramoal            41.83
lychi55 - PARRAGUESA            41.03
fernanadez - Tg48            37.82
Advanced Robot - Marcan11            34.29