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Division ibex_22 - Game: 2024-07-26 #43225 Pairs MEDITERRANEO PDF converter         PDF converter

Rank Player Player1 Score MP2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
 1st   Alberto222   Julia11111 66.27 0.80 100 42.9 85.7 85.7 28.6 57.1 0 71.4 100 57.1 78.6 7.1 7.1 92.9 83.3 100 71.4 57.1 85.7 78.6 85.7 50 100 64.3
 2nd   Maituca1   Merche_mul 62.2 0.80 92.9 21.4 35.7 42.9 35.7 78.6 42.9 71.4 85.7 42.9 21.4 92.9 14.3 92.9 100 35.7 85.7 85.7 57.1 57.1 85.7 71.4 50 92.9
 3rd   Palavoie   Yowayo95 59.92 0.56 7.1 78.6 64.3 57.1 92.9 57.1 28.6 71.4 14.3 78.6 57.1 85.7 28.6 64.3 66.7 14.3 42.9 100 42.9 78.6 71.4 85.7 85.7 64.3
 4th   123ri   Pplanas 57.24 0.56 92.9 57.1 57.1 42.9 7.1 42.9 42.9 28.6 42.9 78.6 92.9 42.9 92.9 7.1 16.7 85.7 0 100 28.6 100 42.9 85.7 92.9 92.9
 5th   Ami3736   Carmela135 55.06 0.40 21.4 21.4 85.7 100 71.4 7.1 71.4 28.6 85.7 78.6 92.9 14.3 92.9 71.4 0 0 28.6 42.9 57.1 21.4 100 100 92.9 35.7
 6th   Advanced Robot   Juajua1 53.77   21.4 85.7 71.4 78.6 100 78.6 7.1 28.6 42.9 21.4 64.3 71.4 71.4 35.7 33.3 85.7 85.7 42.9 100 78.6 0 50 0 35.7
 7th   Advanced Robot   Puridiaz 50.3 0.40 78.6 14.3 28.6 100 28.6 0 92.9 71.4 14.3 100 78.6 85.7 85.7 7.1 0 14.3 100 0 42.9 78.6 0 50 71.4 64.3
 8th   Advanced Robot   Burguiva 48.61   35.7 42.9 100 57.1 64.3 21.4       21.4 7.1 85.7 50 42.9 16.7 14.3 14.3 57.1 14.3 78.6 42.9 100 50 64.3
 9th   2wisky   Advanced Robot 48.51   78.6 78.6 14.3 21.4 64.3 57.1 92.9 71.4 57.1 21.4 100 7.1 50 64.3 50 64.3 85.7 57.1 42.9 42.9 14.3 14.3 7.1 7.1
 10th   Advanced Robot   Yeltam 47.92   57.1 0 64.3 57.1 92.9 92.9 57.1 28.6 14.3 21.4 7.1 57.1             0 21.4 100 71.4 28.6 64.3
 11th   Congrosel   Fruits00 47.42   0 57.1 14.3 0 71.4 100 42.9 92.9 42.9 78.6 0 92.9 28.6 7.1 66.7 85.7 57.1 0 85.7 21.4 57.1 28.6 71.4 35.7
 12th   Canela 19   Juno 24 46.73   42.9 100 35.7 14.3 71.4 42.9 7.1 28.6 85.7 78.6 64.3 57.1 50 35.7 50 35.7 85.7 42.9 57.1 21.4 28.6 0 50 35.7
 13th   Pszabla   Samlo202 44.54   64.3 0 100 78.6 35.7 42.9 85.7 92.9 14.3 21.4 42.9 14.3 50 57.1 83.3 35.7 42.9 42.9 14.3 21.4 14.3 50 28.6 35.7
 14th   Divax   Popochera 43.06   7.1 42.9 42.9 0 28.6 92.9 14.3 7.1 85.7 78.6 35.7 28.6 71.4 92.9 33.3 64.3 14.3 57.1 100 21.4 28.6 28.6 50 7.1
 15th   Advanced Robot   Marcan11 35.83   35.7 100 0 21.4 0 21.4 57.1 7.1 57.1 21.4 35.7 42.9 100 7.1 60 64.3 14.3 14.3 71.4 0 57.1 0 7.1 64.3
 16th   Ardjuna   Luanco1 33.04   64.3 57.1 0 42.9 7.1 7.1 100 28.6 0 0 21.4 14.3 0   40 35.7 14.3 42.9 0 78.6 71.4 14.3 14.3 35.7

class=host-ibex_22-type-pairs-http://webutil.bridgebase.com/v2/tview.php?t=43225-1722006388 uploaded in 1 secs Uploaded on 2024-07-26 20:00:44 - CardsFile= - RankFile=#43225 Pairs MEDITERRANEO - BWSFile=tourney=43225-1722006388-&offset=0

PairRecaps ( Pairs )ABCScore % mps
alberto222 - julia11111            66.270.80
maituca1 - merche_mul            62.20.80
palavoie - yowayo95            59.920.56
123ri - Pplanas            57.240.56
ami3736 - carmela135            55.060.40
Advanced Robot - juajua1            53.77
Advanced Robot - puridiaz            50.30.40
Advanced Robot - burguiva            48.61
2wisky - Advanced Robot            48.51
Advanced Robot - yeltam            47.92
CONGROSEL - fruits00            47.42
canela 19 - juno 24            46.73
pszabla - samlo202            44.54
divax - popochera            43.06
Advanced Robot - Marcan11            35.83
ardjuna - luanco1            33.04